Anuga FoodTec 2022
From 26th to 29th April 2022, in Cologne – Germany, Tropical Food Machinery attended Anuga FoodTec, the world reference exhibition linked to the innovation of all industrial processes for the production of food and beverages. In this context, the latest technological innovations related to the Food & Beverage supply chain are presented and awarded: from process technology to filling and packaging technology, from food safety and packaging materials to digitalization and intralogistics.
On this occasion, Tropical Food Machinery presented to the public visiting the fair CERERE 6000 – the automatic banana peeler – awarded with the prestigious International Food Tech Award in Silver. During this year exhibition, the company was officially awarded by DLG (German Agricultural Society) and its partners, which recognize ground-breaking developments in innovation, sustainability and efficiency in the food technology sector since 1994.
Although the overall flow of visitors was limited by the absence of almost the entire Asian and South American sector, this year edition of Anuga FoodTec concluded very positively for the Busseto-based company. The limitation in terms of participation has not prevented the establishment of new relationships along with solid confirmation of the ones currently in order.